If you have lived as long as I have then you have seen yourself some life. But for me the outreachy experience has been one of the most challenging and rewarding at the same time. To be honest even if I would not have been accepted, just the application process alone was growth enough for me and an entry point into the Openstack opensource community.
My choice of Openstack was strategic. I have a background in web development and I wanted to venture into the waters(are they murky?) of cloud technology because for me that meant growth.
It is interesting how you can go into something looking to learn one thing and you end up learning a suite of other things along with it. I came to Openstack to learn cloud and I am additionally ending up with some much needed and neccessary community skills. If you join an army of contributors spread across the globe working on a common project with common goals then you will have to learn how to carry yourself in their midst. If you are joining an already existing community then chances are there already exist norms and ways of doing things that you should adopt to ease your blending in.
I am looking forward to the entirety of what I am continuing to learn aside cloud.